Using SteamVR trackers (Vive/Tundra) along with SlimeVR

Technical details

SteamVR trackers (such as Vives and Tundras) do work in tandem with SlimeVR to some extent.

They are basically treated as Slime trackers within the SlimeVR server, meaning their position is currently ignored.

Further complete support for making use of the Vives' positional data is planned, but no ETA.

Adding SlimeVR elbow trackers with SteamVR trackers

There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. From the HMD, requiring 1 chest tracker + 2 upper arm trackers.
  2. From the controllers, requiring only 2 lower arm trackers.

Before doing this, make sure shoulder tracking is disabled in VRChat's tracking settings!

From HMD (most comfortable, allows for easy knee trackers)

  1. Make sure that Force arms from HMD in SlimeVR's Tracking settings is enabled.
  2. Wear and assign trackers on the upper arms and chest.
  3. Enable the SteamVR trackers for elbows. Only enable the SteamVR tracker for chest if you are using lock-hip or lock-head in VRChat. If you use lock-all, you will probably want to keep the single vive on your hip as that will provide you greater spine tracking fidelity (due to SlimeVR's chest tracker not being as accurate as a Vive).
  4. Full Reset and Reset Mounting.

From controllers (takes less trackers)

  1. Make sure that Force arms from HMD in SlimeVR's Tracking settings is disabled.
  2. Make sure the Feeder App is running (if not, run the installer and make sure to check it).
  3. Wear and assign trackers on the lower arms.
  4. Enable the SteamVR trackers for elbows only.
  5. Full Reset and Reset Mounting.

Up to v0.9.1, the reset pose is an i-pose (arms straight down to the side), and the current mounting calibration pose is upper arms going back, and lower arms and hands going forward. v0.10.0+ will have settings to change those.

Other combinations

Pretty much any combination is possible and will get you decent results as long as you're not skipping a body part.

For example “SlimeVR chest + Vive hip + SlimeVR thighs + Vive feet” would work.

“Vive hip + feet, and either SlimeVR elbows (lower arm) or SlimeVR chest + elbows (upper arms)” would also work just fine (see above).

  1. Make sure the Feeder App is running (if not, run the installer and make sure to check it).
  2. Assign your Vive trackers to their respective body parts.
  3. Only enable the SteamVR trackers you want to add in SlimeVR's settings.
  4. Full Reset and Reset Mounting.

Written by erimel